The Emergency Routing Service (ERS) is a monthly subscription service that provides organizations with E911 connectivity to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) across the US and Canada. Using a SIP or PSTN connection, 911 calls are routed to the ERS, which then delivers the call and precise location information to the appropriate PSAP. Key features of the ERS include:
The Largest E911 Coverage in the US and Canada
The ERS provides organizations with E911 call routing to over 6,000 PSAPs in the US and Canada, ensuring that all users maintain access to accurate E911 services regardless of their calling area. This feature removes the need to install local gateways and dedicated 911 trunks for each office location, resulting in significant cost savings and reduced administrative efforts.
National ALI Database
The National ALI database is a central repository for Emergency Response Locations (ERLs) and phone records. It can be updated in real-time and supports records from across the US and Canada, eliminating the need to purchase and manage regional PS-ALI accounts.
Compliance with FCC, CRTC and NENA Standards
The ERS supports VoIP deployments according to FCC, CRTC and NENA i2 standards, and is fully compliant with all current legislation. This helps organizations to meet or exceed E911 regulations across the US and Canada.
Additional features of the ERS include:
- Enterprise E911 Cost Analysis
- PS-ALI and VPC Solution Comparison
- Wonderware Success Story
- CEC Success Story